The Product of Prayer: How Can Regular Times of Prayer Benefit You?
Let’s be honest. Living in 2021 is crazy! There is so much going on it is hard to catch a breath. The expectations of living in today’s society are monumental. We are expected to succeed at the highest levels without interruption. We are expected to be an expert on all topics. We are expected to have diversity and celebrate that diversity, but not too much. We are encouraged to share different opinions, but not the wrong ones. With so many expectations it is no wonder depression, anxiety, and suicide rates are as high as they are, even among professing believers.
How can we combat the stress of this world? How can we gain the wisdom needed to operate in such an environment? The Bible tells us all throughout the New Testament the value of prayer. Sadly, many believers do not take full advantage of the discipline of prayer and subsequently, forfeit its blessings.
Speaking to the church at Thessalonica, while giving a series of blunt instructions, Paul makes a simple statement, “pray without ceasing” (1 Thess. 5:17). Why does he offer such instruction? Why does Jesus personally practice prayer so much in the gospels? Why is the Old Testament replete with examples of men and women praying to the Lord?
Prayer is a blessing to the believer. The believer who consistently and continually engages in the practice of prayer can be promised at least three blessings: peace, joy, and wisdom.
1. Prayer Brings Us Peace
Speaking to the Philippian church, Paul also encourages them to pray. In his words of encouragement to them he provides us a wonderful nugget to help bring us peace in the middle of a world of sorrows.
“Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all comprehension, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus” (Phil. 4:6-7).
The answer, Paul says, to anxiety and fear is prayer. Whenever the world seems too much, remember that Jesus died for you. In this moment, he died for you. He died so you may conquer you fear. He died so that at this very moment of great anxiety you may defeat your fear and glorify him. In remembering the victory Christ provides, we are drawn to prayer. We ask God to conquer our fears. In prayer, we focus our mind on Jesus and his victory. In prayer, thank God for all the blessings we have in Christ. The promise of God is that as we pray, “the peace of God, which surpasses all comprehension, will your guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.”
So, let us pray that we may have the peace of God covering our lives.
2. Prayer Brings Us Joy
The product of consistent prayer is also joy. Psalm 5:11 shows us a wonderful principle concerning prayer and joy.
“But let all who take refuge in you be glad; let them ever sing for joy. Spread your protection over them, that those who love your name may rejoice in you.”
The Psalmist shows us a powerful promise of God. Those who come to the Lord will not only find a place of refuge (a safe place), but as they come to the safety of the Lord they will rejoice because God has saved them from the evil dangers of this world.
When you come to the Lord seeking forgiveness of sin, peace in your spirit, reconciliation in a situation, or comfort from grief; no matter the reason you come to the Lord, you can leave joyful because you know the Lord has heard you and he reaches out to you in his tender mercies.
Prayer brings joy because we know the God of the universe and the Savior of our souls not only hears the cries of our heart, but he cares enough to show compassion to us in our time of need.
3. Prayer Brings Us Wisdom
With so many dangers in this world and so many potential pitfalls it is safe to say we are in desperate need of wisdom. Thankfully for the believer, God desires to give his wisdom to his children who call on him.
Writing to the dispersed believers, James says,
“If you need wisdom, ask our generous God; and he will give it to you. He will not rebuke you for asking” (James 1:5).
Far too often we think we are bothering God by asking him to grant us wisdom and discernment concerning a specific situation. We think he gets tired of helping us understand his grace and his word so we may apply it to our lives.
Quite the opposite is true. God is generous with his wisdom. The very same God who placed each star in the sky and who holds the universe together by the power of his will, genuinely desires to share his wisdom with us. How amazing is that!
Don’t be discouraged by having to continually go the Lord. It is God’s great delight to bless you with his wisdom.
May we be encouraged to draw near to the Lord. As we draw near to him in prayer, we are granted peace for a fearful world; we are given joy in the midst of pain; and we are filled with wisdom instead of confusion.
The blessings of prayer are numerous. Let us plum the full depths of God’s blessings in prayer that we may know him more intimately and honor him more fully.