All are Called to be a Minister

I once had a lady approach me with a great ministry idea for the church. The ministry was well thought out and had the potential to have a large impact in the community. Once she told me her idea she politely said, “Now you can make it happen preacher.” I calmly replied to her that since God had given her the idea it was to be her ministry and she could lead out in its development and implementation. She would have my full support and the church resources, but the ministry was her ministry. Her mood changed and she responded, “Well, what are we paying you for?” 

So many of us have a misunderstanding of our role in the church. Sadly, we have been conditioned in this misunderstanding. We have come to understand the role of ministry to be conducted by the paid staff member. We view all ministry activities in the church and the community as belonging to those who are employed by the church. This mindset is not a biblical understanding of ministry and has unfortunately undermined the impact of the local church in the community. 

In Acts 8 persecution had spread across the church and caused believers to scatter outside the region. In the midst of this persecution and spread of believers we see an interesting scene. Philip, one of the seven chosen for ministry to the Hellenist widows in Jerusalem had moved from serving tables to sharing the word of God. 

“Then Philip went down to the city of Samaria and preached Christ to them.” (Acts 8:5) 

Was Philip an ordained preacher? Was he employed by the church? Was it his “job” to preach Christ? The answer to all these questions is, “No.” Philip was not a professional minister, nor was he employed by the church. Philip was a servant of the church and as such he viewed all he did through that lens. 

Philip understood the mission of the church and its members. The mission of the church is to make disciples and disciples are born from receiving, understanding, and accepting Christ. 

All believers have the responsibility and the privilege to preach Christ. We all are part of the mission of the church. Every single believer is called to be a disciple maker and that in turn means that every single believer has the blessing to share Christ with others. 

Do not rob yourself of the blessings of sharing Christ. Do not rob yourself of the joy of serving in ministry. Step up and serve. Find your place in the church to serve. Discover your passion and gifting and go full speed at serving God. Minister to the body of Christ and live on mission to the lost world. 

As each of us live as a minister of Christ our impact for his kingdom shall flourish. 

Come and minister alongside me and let us preach Christ together! 



Gene Smith