Exceeding Expectations: When Jesus Works in Unexpected Ways

Have you ever found yourself disappointed when your expectations weren't met? Perhaps you've experienced this in your spiritual life, wondering why God doesn't seem to be working in the ways you anticipated. The truth is, Jesus may not always meet our expectations, but He will always exceed them.

Consider the story from Mark 8:22-26, where Jesus heals a blind man. This account offers profound insights into how Christ works in our lives, often in ways we don't expect or fully understand.

The passage begins with friends bringing a blind man to Jesus, imploring Him to touch and heal their companion. Their actions demonstrate an expectation of Jesus working in their friend's life. How often do we approach Christ with such confidence, truly believing He will act?

This story challenges us to cultivate an expectation of Jesus working in our lives and the lives of those around us. Too often, we become complacent or doubtful, forgetting the power of Christ to transform and heal. We may even hesitate to bring others to Jesus, thinking their situation is too dire or complex for Him to address.

But the reality is that when we come to Jesus, He makes us whole. There's not a single part of our lives that He cannot begin to heal. Whether it's deep-seated trauma, shameful past experiences, or seemingly insurmountable obstacles, Jesus has the power to bring restoration and renewal.

Interestingly, Jesus doesn't immediately heal the blind man completely. Instead, He performs the healing in stages. After Jesus' first touch, the man sees people "like trees walking around." It's only after a second touch that his sight is fully restored.

This unusual approach reminds us that Jesus may work in ways that don't meet our initial expectations. Sometimes, He gives us a taste of healing or grace to grow our faith and help us take the next step in our spiritual journey. His methods may not always make sense to us, but His purpose is always for our growth and His glory.

Think about times in your life when God seemed to be working in mysterious or frustrating ways. Perhaps you've faced situations where His timing or methods didn't align with what you thought was best. In those moments, it's crucial to remember that Jesus knows the beginning from the end. He sees the full picture when we can only glimpse a small part.

The story of the blind man's healing culminates in a powerful moment. When his sight is fully restored, he looks "intently" at Jesus. This word choice is significant – it implies a focused, unwavering gaze. In that moment, nothing else mattered or caught his attention except the face of Jesus.

This raises a challenging question for us: Is that how we're living our lives? Are we arranging our marriages, parenting, careers, and futures with such an intense focus on Jesus?

When Christ truly opens our eyes, He becomes the center of our vision, and everything else falls into proper perspective.

The reality is that Jesus doesn't come into our lives to do the bare minimum. He comes to utterly amaze us, to exceed our wildest expectations. Yet, many of us have become complacent, no longer anticipating or recognizing the amazing things Jesus does every day.

So how can we move towards achieving God's expectations for our lives in Christ? Here are five practical steps:

1. Set clear goals: Define specific, achievable objectives that align with becoming more Christ-like.

2. Develop a plan: Create a detailed strategy, incorporating spiritual disciplines like prayer, Bible reading, and journaling.

3. Stay committed: Remember that victory comes through a lifetime of small, consistent habits.

4. Seek support: Surround yourself with fellow believers who can encourage and hold you accountable.

5. Reflect and adjust: Regularly evaluate your progress and be willing to adapt as Jesus guides you.

As you contemplate these ideas, ask yourself: Are you expecting Christ to work in your heart and life right now? Are you open to Him working in unexpected ways?

God desires to do the miraculous, the unexpected, and the unexplained in your life. He wants to make you look more like Jesus with each passing day. Don't let excuses or past disappointments hold you back from experiencing all that Christ has for you.

Remember the blind man's friends, who brought him to Jesus with expectation and faith. They didn't let societal norms or potential naysayers deter them from seeking Christ's healing power for their friend. In the same way, we shouldn't become stagnant in our faith or be the doubters that keep others from moving towards Jesus.

Whether you're facing addiction, relational struggles, personal shortcomings, or any other challenge, know that Jesus can do amazing things. He's done it before, and He can do it again – in your life and in the lives of those around you.

So today, choose to approach your relationship with Christ with renewed expectation. Be open to His working in ways you might not anticipate. Set your gaze intently on Jesus, allowing Him to bring clarity to every aspect of your life. And as you do, prepare to be amazed as He not only meets but far exceeds your expectations.

In His Grace,


Gene Smith