Why Church Should Matter to You

We all go through phases in life, where we tend to forget the important things that matter deeply to us. In a world full of distractions, it can be easy to find yourself drifting further and further away from the values and beliefs that once gave your life such meaning. That is why church should still matter to you - no matter how long ago, or far away from its walls you have ventured. Church has so many positive aspects embedded within – hope, passion for life’s purpose, meaningful service – all of which form into an essential foundation for contentment and joy in today’s society; this is something that all people can benefit from!


Church is a Place of Hope


The church offers a place of hope for all who are hurting. And let’s be honest, all of us are hurting in some way. Each of us have experienced some level of trauma and because of that we all bear a pain in our own unique way. Regularly attending church allows you to hear the word of God that offers life and light, opening wounded hearts and mending damaged souls. Church also offers hope because people who have experienced healing in Christ, can walk beside you in your pain (Gal. 6:2). Together you create these holy moments where God is present during your pain and more importantly, you’re healing.


Church is a Place of Purpose


Church is a place where you can discover and live out your God-given purpose. The reason this is possible is that the church is not simply a place, but a living body (1 Cor. 12:26-27). When you enter and regularly attend a church, you become part of a body, embedding yourself in this new living organism, firmly established by Jesus himself. As you discover your purpose, you will see that life is more than just about the here and now, or self-satisfaction. You are made for more than just this world. God has created you to shine his glory and to grow in his grace. You are made for worship and glory and church is a place where you can not only discover this purpose, but you can thrive in this purpose.

You are made for worship and glory and church is a place where you can not only discover this purpose, but you can thrive in this purpose.

Church is a Place of Service


Finally, church is a place where you can truly serve God by serving others. One of the greatest things you can do in your life is to serve others; to give yourself to something greater. Jesus has provided us a wonderful model of how to serve- by putting others ahead of ourselves. Serving has many blessings. Serving shows you how blessed you are in life. Serving can bring a deeper relationship with those you serve alongside. Serving also provides an opportunity to sincerely help those who are in need. When you serve, you recognize that you are not the center of your world, but that by serving you are truly loving God and others (Mt. 22:35-40).


Though church attendance has been declining in recent years, that doesn't mean the institution of church itself is any less important. In fact, for many people, church is the one place where they can find hope. In a world that so often seems dark and hopeless, church offers a ray of light. It's also a place where you can find purpose and service. If you're looking for a Christ-centered community to be a part of, there are plenty of options out there. Just do some research and find one that exalts Christ, equips you to follow Christ, and engages the world in service for Christ. Then go all in! Plug yourself into the church community and watch as your life takes on new meaning.


Questions to Consider

1.     In what ways do I value the church?

2.     Have I truly plugged into a local church?

3.     What are some reasons I choose not to regularly attend church?

In His Grace,


Gene Smith