Worth the Wait

My life has been full of crazy adventures, deep sadness, and amazing joys. I have been tempted and tried from many different vantage points. Many times, I have failed the test and at other times I have overcome the temptation. But the one test that has seemed the most difficult in my life is not death, disease, lust, or even pride. It’s waiting. Waiting, just not moving, not moving forward or backward; not changing course. Just waiting on the Lord to open a door, close a door, or give instruction. 

For the past three years and counting God has been teaching me through waiting. God called us to FBC De Soto in August of 2020. A month before that the housing market went crazy with supply going down and prices going up. What we budgeted for cost significantly more than we expected. What was I, as the husband, father, and leader to do? There was nothing I could do. I needed and wanted to provide a home for my family. I tried, worked side gigs, prayed, cried, and argued with God for the past three years. 

Then about a month ago, I was listening to the sermon of a good friend of mine, Eddie Wren, and he spoke about contentment in life. As I listened to this message God opened my eyes. While I may not have what I want, I have what I need. A house does not make a home, a family does. God may be teaching me something- which I can confess he has and is- true contentment through waiting. God may also be protecting me from something I cannot see. I can attest that during this time of waiting my wife and I have never been closer, and my kids and I have grown much deeper in discipleship.

What makes waiting so hard? For me, my personality is not one of slowness. I am at full speed at whatever I am doing. Waiting makes me think that I have done something wrong. Waiting makes me second-guess God’s plan for my life. If God brought me here to wait, then did God really bring me here or was it my own plans? But in waiting, I have discovered something, and God has even begun to perfect it within me and that is contentment. 

As I wait, I can do nothing but rely on and trust in God’s goodness and his plan. In waiting I must rely on God’s provision for this moment. In waiting I learned that much of what I thought I wanted or needed is not really that important. In waiting I grow to rely much deeper and trust more fully in God himself and not own my own merits. 

As the Psalmist declared in Psalm 25:5, “Lead me in Your truth and teach me, for You are the God of my salvation; on You I wait all the day.” God’s leading us is not always a call to action. God’s leading us is often a call for us to wait so that he can do a few things in our lives. What might God be doing during our time of trusting and waiting? 

1.     Teaching us more about truth and contentment.

I don’t know what God may be calling you to wait on right now, but I know if he is, it is for your good and his glory. So, wait patiently. Wait with trust. Wait and rely on his goodness.  Wait and experience his leading. And most of all, wait and grow in contentment with him. As you do, you will see that the waiting was not wasted time, but rather it was a crucial part of God’s plan for your life. So, let us embrace the waiting and trust in God’s perfect timing and purpose for our lives.

2.     Teaching us how to be patient and readying a path for us.

In addition to learning about contentment, waiting can also teach us patience. In a world of instant gratification, waiting is often seen as a negative thing. But in reality, it can be a valuable lesson in cultivating patience, which is an important virtue to have in life.

3.     Protecting us from harm if we move too quickly.

As we wait for God's timing and provision, we are forced to slow down and not rush into things. This allows us to fully trust in God's plan and learn to be content in the present moment. Waiting also teaches us to let go of our own desires and surrender to God's will, which can be a difficult but necessary lesson for personal growth. As we wait, we learn that if we would have rushed forward we might end up in a position or place that would cause us harm. Waiting can be an act of protection.

4.     Deeping our relationship with him.

Furthermore, waiting can deepen our relationship with God as we turn to him in prayer and seek his guidance during uncertain times. This strengthens our faith and trust in him, knowing that he is always with us and working for our good.

So, let us not despise the waiting periods in our lives, but instead embrace them as opportunities for growth and learning. As we wait on God's perfect timing, let us remember his goodness and protection over us, trusting in his plan and contentment with where he has placed us in the present moment. So, let us continue to wait with hope and faith, knowing that God is faithful and his plans for our lives are always good.

In conclusion, waiting may be difficult and uncomfortable, but it can also be a valuable season of growth and learning. Let us trust in God's perfect timing, cultivate patience, and deepen our relationship with him.

In His Grace,


Gene Smith