Stuck or Standing Strong


Have you ever felt stuck in life? Like you want to move forward, but you feel like there is a wall in front of you? Or maybe you want to move forward, but you feel like there is a weight pushing against you, driving you backward. 


I was an offensive lineman in college and one of the drills we used to run was the cage. The cage was designed to help linemen stay low and in the proper position so they can exert the most force against the opponent in front of them. Two men are placed in a cage and the height of the cage is such that if you stand up you will hit your head and get knocked down. This was the ultimate man vs. man drill. When the coach blew the whistle the two men in the cage pushed with all their might to drive the other man out the back of the cage. Sometimes this would happen and then at other times, nothing would happen. The men would push and push against each other, but neither would move. Neither one was getting beat, but neither was winning either. 


Our spiritual walk with Jesus is a lot like this sometimes. Sometimes we go through life, and we are walking so close to Jesus, we can smell him. Sin seems like it is being defeated constantly, we are growing in Christ and serving others. The world is good. 


Then at other times, it seems as though we have hit a wall. We are not losing in our fight against sin; we are not shrinking back to our old ways, but it seems as if we are not making any progress either. 


Then, if we are honest, there are those times when we feel as though we are losing ground. We are doing everything we can think of, but we are being pushed back against our will. 


What are we to do?


Writing to the Corinthian church Paul makes a bold statement of fact that has loads of implications for how we fight sin and this world. Paul says in 1 Corinthians 15:57, 


But thank God! He gives us victory over sin and death through our Lord Jesus Christ.”


Paul lets us know right up front that our sin has been defeated. Jesus has conquered our sin on the cross and it does not have the power of victory over us any longer. Jesus has also conquered death. Our greatest enemy, death, was defeated the moment Jesus rose from the grave. 


From this statement of fact of our victory over sin and death Paul then commands all believers in verse 58,


So, my dear brothers and sisters, be strong and immovable. Always work enthusiastically for the Lord, for you know that nothing you do for the Lord is ever useless.”


Paul’s word to us in verse 58 is an imperative statement. The verb “be” carries the idea of continual action. To be strong is to be morally fixed and immovable means to be fixed and persistent. The word always lets us know we are to never stop in this action and that by never ceasing we are abounding growing and increasing. 

What does all this mean? This is a monumental truth for our lives that should not be overlooked or taken lightly. 


Because Jesus has secured our victory over sin and death we are to continually, never stop living for him because he has already given us the power to conquer anything we face. 


Yes, we may feel like we hit a wall from time to time, or even feel as though we have been defeated. But this is where we turn to God’s word and are reminded that we have already been given the victory. 


There is nothing in this world, NOTHING that can defeat a child of God who is standing strong in the word and being faithful in following Christ. We have the power to push sin all the way out of our lives and defeat it in the power of Christ. 


So, how can you grow in your strength in Christ so that you defeat sin and evil in your life? 


1.     Preach the gospel to yourself daily.

2.     Make Bible intake a priority.

3.     Hold biblical standards above the culture.

4.     Trust that your work for Christ will be rewarded.

5.     Encourage others in the work of the Lord.



Father, thank you for the victory that Jesus secured for me on the cross and the life he gave me with his resurrection. Help me remember that I am already victorious in this life. Help me remember I do not have to give in to sin and I do not have to bow to the standards of the world. Grant me strength to stand firm in your word and help me to never give up living for your glory. Amen. 

 Remember, we don’t have to be stuck in sin, we can stand strong for the glory of God!

In His Grace, 


Gene Smith