Never Give Up


Do you remember the story of “The Little Engine That Could?” The little train was small and had not grown into a big train yet. Naturally, he could not do what the other trains could. Because of this he was picked on and made fun of for his traits. But the little engine had a secret. He would keep on chugging and chugging, little by little until he got the job done. The task may not have gotten completed the fastest or most efficient way, but through will, grit, and determination the little engine finished the big job when all was on the line. 

Many times, in our Christian walk we come across things, circumstances, and obstacles in which we think we are too small, too weak, not skilled enough, or not spiritual enough to handle or make it through. The Devil will use our own personal inadequacies to keep us from thriving the way God has intended us to thrive. But there is good news for all those who are in the fight! 

As Paul is writing his second letter to the Corinthian church in which he is defending his first letter we come to Chapters 4 and 5. I participated in a funeral yesterday with Dr. Steve Horn, Executive Director of the Louisiana Baptist Convention. In his remarks on these chapters, he noted several great exchanges that take place and I want to highlight one of those exchanges. The reason I want to highlight this particular exchange is the more we understand this truth, the more power and perspective we will have to finish this life strong for Jesus. 

Dr. Horn noted that in 2 Corinthians 4:16 there is a great exchange that will be taking place in the life of the believer. Our physical bodies may be dying, but our spirit is being made new and strengthened each day. Look at how Paul states this wonderful truth. 

“That is why we never give up. Though our bodies are dying, our spirits are being renewed every day.” 

Notice the connection Paul makes here. Even though our physical bodies are dying; even though we must experience the effects of sin in this life; even though the world is not as God intended-because we are being made new every day in our spirit, we cannot give up. 

We may want to give up from time to time, but the glorious truth is that surrender has never been optional for the disciple of Jesus. Yes, our bodies are dying the moment we are born. And when we are born again in Jesus, we are given his eternal and righteous spirit. 

The funeral I participated in was for a saint of God who was 100 years old. She lived faithfully for Christ even in her later years, even leading her nurse to Christ when she was 97! She understood a truth many of us never realize. 

We do not need perfect conditions to live for and glorify Christ. 

Yes, these fragile bodies may be falling apart on us every day, but the glory of Christ is growing inside of us. We are being renewed each and every day. The great exchange is that we may be dying on the outside, but we can be flourishing on the inside. 

How can we flourish no matter our conditions? Paul gives us a clue in verse 18. 

“So we don’t look at the troubles we can see now; rather, we fix our gaze on things that cannot be seen. For the things we see now will soon be gone, but the things we cannot see will last forever.” 

We flourish by changing our focus. We focus on Christ who we cannot see, but who is working in us. We focus on Christ who is changing us from a sinful person to righteously redeemed on a daily basis. 

What can we do to focus on Christ and change our perspective? 

1. Spend time in the word of God 

2. Spend time in prayer 

3. Make sure to say “thank you” to God more than complaining to God 

4. Serve in the church and in doing so notice the condition of others 

5. Determine to follow Christ no matter the obstacles 

We are called to never give up. We are called to “chug” along and impact our world for Christ. We CAN do this as long as we remember that this is NOT our home. We CAN do this as we remember that this temporary earth is NOT our destiny, but that eternal glory awaits the saints of God. 

Father, thank you for today. Thank you for your faithfulness to me. Thank you for creating a new spirit within me. Thank you for making me new each day. Help me to focus on you more than I focus on this world. Help me to have an eternal perspective more than a temporary one. Grant me the strength to live for you and live each day to its fullest for your glory. Amen.

By His Grace,


Gene Smith