To Condemn or Conquer
There is a familiar but often misunderstood passage in Luke 6:37-42 in which Jesus speaks of judging, condemning, forgiving, and giving. Many use verse 37 in which Jesus says, ““Do not judge, and you will not be judged; and do not condemn, and you will not be condemned; pardon, and you will be pardoned,” to state that we should not judge others. The entire passage is more about grace than it is about judging. While Jesus speaks of judging, condemning, forgiving, and giving he centers those topics around confronting sin in the life of a fellow brother or sister. Verses 37 and 38 should not be divorced from the illustration about the plank and the speck in verses 39-42.
If we want to follow Christ and be an obedient disciple we should recognize that Christ provides us the perfect model on each item listed in verses 37 and 38. It was Christ who was judged on our behalf. It was Christ who was condemned on our behalf. It was Christ who provided us forgiveness by his personal sacrifice. It was Christ who gave us all we have by giving up his everything.
If we can know this and grow in this understanding then when we notice sin in the life of a brother or sister, or when they come to us in confession instead of judging by the letter of the law we can follow the model of Jesus. We can judge, condemn, forgive, and give in the same manner and by the same measure as Christ has done to us. We will not be so quick to point out sin for the purpose of condemnation; not raise an issue so hastily out of pride or self-righteousness. In the same way Christ poured himself out for our sin, we should be willing to endure and suffer long with a fellow sinner who has been redeemed.
We do this knowing full well what we have in Christ. We must not see the sin of another as an opportunity to gloat, guilt, or gain, but as an opportunity to be Christ in that moment. We will do well to remember that while Christ bore our judgment and condemnation, he did so void of his own sin. Therefore, we who are sinners should be more than willing to show grace, mercy, and forgiveness to a fellow sinner for the glory of Christ.
Are you quick to condemn or are you quick to help others conquer their sin?
May we be willing to walk along side of others, ministering to them, encouraging them, and bearing their burdens, for this is what Christ has done and is doing for us.