Being Filled with the Spirit When the World is Draining You

God recently moved our family from just outside of Baton Rouge, Louisiana to De Soto, Missouri. We went from Cajun Country to Middle America. We were used to being surrounded by giant mosquitos and spicey food and now we are able to enjoy hikes in the woods and quick trips to St. Louis. Moving is never easy and the Lord has provided us people to surround us and love us. One of those individuals is Chad Hodges, our Local Director of Missions for the Jefferson Baptist Association. A few weeks ago, he invited me to lunch. He arrived at the church office and we took my truck to the restaurant. As we were driving down the road, I quickly realized that my truck was almost on “empty” and I don’t mean twenty-five miles to go. The truck had 10 miles to “empty” and the closest gas station was about 8 miles away. Normally, I would not be too worried, but the hills in Missouri are a lot steeper than in Louisiana. As we drove up the last long hill I watched in fear as the fuel range went from 5 to 2 to 1. The high hills were draining the gas quicker than I thought. Chad encouraged me and ensured me that we would make it to the gas pumped in time and we pulled into the gas station with 1 mile to spare. 

Reflecting on this incident reminded me of how we are called to be filled with the Holy Spirit (Eph. 5:18). But often what God desires us to filled with, the Holy Spirit, we allow the world to drain us and rob us of what God wants for us. In Acts 13 Paul and his friends are run out of Antioch by a mob of angry Jews. As they are leaving the city Luke records, they “shake the dust from their feet,” and then in verse 52 the texts says, “And the disciples were filled with joy and with the Holy Spirit.”

Wow! Even after being threatened and run out of town; even after their plans fell through; even after their pride was defeated these individuals were joyful and full of the Spirit. Interesting to note, the Greek word for “filled” in this verse means they were continually being filled. This means that during this situation there was not a time when the very Spirit of God was not filling them for His work with His power. 

How did this happen? I believe this happened because they applied the principle that Paul would later write to the Ephesian believers. As Paul is giving instructions to the church in Ephesus he says, “And do not be drunk with wine, in which is dissipation; but be filled with the Spirit” (Eph. 5:18). Much is made of the first part of this verse, but the more important and valuable part of the verse is the second half. Paul is giving specific instructions for the believers to do what? Be filled with the Spirit of the Living God! He is commanding them to be filled with God. Instead of being concerned with selfish pleasures that can lead to sin, Paul says it is much more valuable to be filled with the Holy Spirit. Paul knew the world can quickly drain a person and entice individuals to sin. The world can even use good things that God blesses to cause us to turn our focus from God to self. 

So, what is the remedy? How can we be filled with the Spirit of God? This question is a daunting one and can cause us to become fearful. Some make think you have to attain a certain level of holiness, attend church a specific amount, or behave in particular ways. Fear not, because Jesus provides us the way in which each one of us can be filled, daily, with the very Spirit of God and conquer this world. 

In John 15 verses 1-4 Jesus provides us a beautiful picture of how and why to connect to him. He uses the illustration of a grapevine and its branches to show us how to be filled with the Spirit of God. 

Recognize Power Does Not Come From You

We often get confused on where our power comes from. Sometimes we think power comes from money, position, or status. But Jesus comes and shows us that any power we think we have does not come from us, it comes from him. In verse 1 of Chapter 15 Jesus says, “I am the true vine, and My Father is the vinedresser.” In this verse Jesus lets us know that He is the “true” vine. There will be many things in your life that will attempt to provide you with power, but those things actually draw strength and energy from you. Jesus states unequivocally that He and He alone is the true vine and if we desire, as the branches, to have any power or strength in this life, it will come from him. Do not be fooled by false idols of power. The Spirit of God which empowers each believer is granted to us through the grace and power of Jesus.  

Realize the Process Can Be Painful

Human nature runs from pain. We often see pain as an end to itself with no purpose, but this is not the case in our spiritual journey. Pain is regularly used to rid us of ideals, habits, and thoughts which inhibit our growth in Christ and subsequently our being filled with the Holy Spirit. Jesus says in verse 2 of John 15, “Every branch in Me that does not bear fruit He takes away; and every branch that bears fruit He prunes, that it may bear more fruit.” I do not know much about growing grapes, but when I grow tomatoes there are these leaves on the stalk which are called “suckers.” These suckers are connected to the plant, but they actually suck away nutrients from the plant and keeps it from bearing the full amount of fruit it is able to bear. In order to ensure the plant is healthy, I have to cut the suckers off. As we are filled with the Spirit of God, we realize that drawing close to Jesus means we are pulling away from the world and this pulling away is not always pain free. Jesus will regularly prune those areas of our lives which are causing us to stumble or are keeping us from bearing our full load of fruit. Yes, the process can be painful, but it is absolutely for our good and his glory.

Remember the Promise of Christ

As we are journeying through this world and are absorbing its hits our fail lives can become broken and we may have the urge to give up. I want to encourage you today to do something. I want to encourage you to remember the promise of Jesus in John 15:3 when he says, “You are already clean because of the word which I have spoken to you.” This is the great promise of the gospel. When the world seeks to drain you and when sin tries to overtake you remember the promise of the gospel. Jesus has already made you clean. In his death all of yours sins and stains were washed away, and you were permanently made clean. So, when you do not feel worthy of God’s love; when you think you can be filled with God’s Spirit, remember the promise of the gospel. This promise was for you at your salvation, is currently for you right now as you walk through life and will be for you when you look into the blessed face of the Savior. 

Retain a Posture of Humility

When we talk about being filled, of allowing ourselves to take on someone else, it brings a sense of humility. We do not like to think of ourselves in need, but in order to walk in the fullness of the Holy Spirit this is exactly what we must do. We must see ourself as having a great need the likes of which we cannot fill. When we recognize this, we then can take on the posture of humility and allow the Lord to fill us with His Spirit. Jesus says in John 15:4, “Abide in Me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, unless it abides in the vine, neither can you, unless you abide in Me.” The world will surely seek to drain us of our victory, but for those who realize that Christ has all we need, we gladly abide in Him. We know there is nothing we can accomplish on our own without him, so we consistently go to him to be filled. And in doing we connect with the Giver of Life and are renewed for a new day. 

You do not have to live in fear. You do not have to let the world drain you. You do not have to settle for mediocre when it comes to your walk with Jesus. Abide in the risen Savior and experience the fullness of the Spirit of God. Allow God to fill you for His glory and your good. See what God can do with you when you draw strength, wisdom, and power directly from Him. 

You don’t have to allow the world to take what God desires to give you. 

Live in the fullness of God. 

God Bless, 

Bro. Brad



Gene Smith