Special Called Business Meeting


Church family,

Dr. Rick Hedger will be preaching again this Sunday, April 7th at our 9:30 am service. We will have a special called business meeting following the worship service. Dr. Hedger will share his testimony, answer questions, and then members present will vote by secret ballot on whether or not to call Dr. Hedger as our Interim Pastor. Please be in prayer for Rick and the church as we seek God's direction. 

A few important things we want you to know:

1. Our 11 am Sunday School will not meet this Sunday. 

2. We will not provide childcare during the special called meeting so that all of our members will have an opportunity to hear Dr. Hedger and vote. You will have time after the service to pick up your children and bring them with you into the ministry center. 

3. The vote is for members only. If the church has voted at some point to make you a member - then you are able to vote. If you have questions about whether you are a member, please call the church office @ 636-586-2500

4. For the sake of time, please limit yourself to one question during the Q & A time. We will try to conclude our meeting as close to noon as possible. 

5. Remember that we are not voting for Dr. Hedger to become our Senior Pastor. This vote is whether or not to call him as our Interim (transition) Pastor until the church finds our next Senior Pastor. 

I see many evidences of God's grace at work here at FBC De Soto. God is preparing us to reach the harvest. I am confident that God is "able to do far more abundantly than all that we ask or think, according to the power at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, forever and ever. Amen."

See you Sunday!

Pastor Gene

Gene Smith